Essential Tips for Healthy Barbecuing

Photo by AlexRaths/iStock / Getty Images

Photo by AlexRaths/iStock / Getty Images

There's nothing better than firing up the 'cue' once summer hits. Those irresistible aromas and 'fresh off the grill' tastes are hard to beat. 

However, research shows that whilst we are busy barbecuing up a feast for our family and friends, we may unknowingly be increasing our risk of many forms of cancer. 

How does this happen?

  1. High-heat grilling can convert proteins in red meat, pork, poultry, and fish into heterocyclic amines (HCAs), chemicals that have potential cancer-causing effects. (1)

  2. When fat and juices from meat products drip down to the heat surface on a grill, smoke is produced. This smoke contains potential cancer-causing chemicals called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). As smoke rises up past the food, the carcinogens can be deposited on the surface of the meat. (2)

What steps can we take to protect ourselves from these cancer-causing chemicals? 

  1. Shop right: Choose lean cuts of meat and fish that help reduce fatty flare-ups that increase the cancer-causing chemicals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, PAHs

  2. Make your own: Studies show that marinating meats in homemade marinades that contain certain herbs and spices, can reduce the formation of HCAs up to 88%. (3) One of the most protective spices to add in is turmeric which has been shown to have powerful anti cancerous effects. (4) Also adding garlic to a marinade have been shown to reduce carcinogen production by up to 70% An ideal marinade recipe should contain one part lemon juice, and two parts of both onion and garlic. (5)

  3. Stay away from store bought marinades: Dousing your red meat, fish and poultry in a standard barbecue sauce containing tomato solids and sugar can DOUBLE or TRIPLE the chemical formation after 15 minutes of cooking.(6)

  4. Pre-cook: The American Institute for Cancer Research recommends pre-cooking your red meat, poultry and fish. This way you reduce fat drippings that cause those nasty polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) smokey flare-ups.

  5. Reduce the temperature and time: All meats and fish when cooked above 300ºF (this also applies to pan frying) OR that are cooked for a long time, tend to form more HCAs. For example, well done, grilled, or barbecued chicken and steak all have higher concentrations of HCAs. (7)

  6. Skip the char: If it's burnt, don't eat it! Cutting away the 'char' (aka carbon) from your meat, fish or poultry can significantly minimize your heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). (8)

So next time you feel like firing up the grill, follow these simple steps for a healthier and equally delicious BBQ meal. 

(5) Gibis M. Effect of oil marinades with garlic, onion, and lemon juice on the formation of heterocyclic aromatic amines in fried beef patties. J Agric Food Chem. 2007;55(25):10240-10247.
(6) Nerurkar PV, Le Marchand L, Cooney RV. Effects of marinating with Asian marinades or western barbecue sauce on PhIP and MeIQx formation in barbecued beef. Nutr Cancer. 1999;34(2):147-152.
(8) Knize MG, Felton JS. Formation and human risk of carcinogenic heterocyclic amines formed from natural precursors in meat. Nutrition Reviews 2005; 63(5):158–165. 

Finding it nearly impossible to lose weight. This might be why!

Remember when you were younger and wanted to trim down for that tropical beach vacay or dazzle in that sexy skin-tight outfit at your friend’s wedding … no problemo, right! A few tweaks on the diet front plus a couple of extra trips to the gym and voila, you were right where you wanted to be.

But as the years tick by, are you finding that those same tried and true diet and exercise plans are no longer cutting it and that losing weight has become a real challenge?

Let me give you ‘the skinny’ on what could be going on.  

It is not an understatement to say that hormonal activity plays a pivotal role in weight gain as we age. So what’s the connection? Well, as our lives evolve, so do our responsibilities and pressures - longer working hours, around the clock raising of kids, taking care of elderly parents, marriage issues, financial headaches … you get the picture. Soon enough we’re just one big ball of stress thanks to our daily grind and that’s when the weight issues can often start. 

One of the major players is cortisol, a hormone produced by our adrenal glands (those two little organs sitting on top of our kidneys). Often referred to as our ‘stress’ hormone, one of cortisol’s jobs is to helps get us out of immediate danger (along with the hormones norepinephrine and adrenaline) by increasing our blood sugar levels, raising our blood pressure and modulating our immune system. That sounds helpful, right?

However, if we stay at a constant (aka chronic) high level of stress, our cortisol levels also stay elevated and this triggers our bodies to lay down fat reserves for what it perceives might be hard times ahead, even starvation. In addition, these chronic high levels of cortisol trigger the release of insulin, our fat storage hormone, contributing to the accumulation of fat cells. Over time, this can lead to insulin resistance (a topic for another day). Obviously fat reserves were a necessary part of survival for our ancestors (think fleeing from dinosaurs) but now it’s an unwanted side effect of our modern day, stressful lives.

So where does this fat get stored? You’ve guessed it, face, neck and around our waists where our deep abdominal fat is equipped with FOUR times more cortisol receptors compared to subcutaneous fat - that’s the fat just under the skin that we can pinch. (1)  

So we can start to understand that stress and weight gain are closely intertwined. The imbalance of hormones caused by chronic stress can turn our bodies into virtual fat-producing machines, making it hard not only to take the pounds off but easy to put the pounds on. And that could be one reason we are finding it nearly impossible to lose weight.

Look out for my next Inspiration to discover other daily habits that could be self-sabotaging our weight-loss goals … and yes, they’re hormone related too. 


(1) Epel, E.S., B. McEwen, T. Seeman, et al. Stress and body shape: stress-induced cortisol secretion is consistently greater among women with central fat. Psychosomatic Medicine 62:623-632, 2000.


Your Essential Holiday Health Guide

For a Happy Holiday Season ...

For a Happy Holiday Season ...

Your Essential HOLIDAY HEALTH Guide
It’s that time of the year when we’re dragging ourselves to the finish line. The revolving door of holiday parties, shopping madness, entertaining and work deadlines can mean a lot of extra stress on our bodies! So here’s my Essential Holiday Health Guide to keep you rolling right through this crazy season in the merriest of spirits. 
Keep your Immune System Strong
If you’re not already taking a multi-strain probiotic (#beneficial bacteria) start now! Over 70% of our immunity is in our gut, which is where these beneficial organisms live.  Good olde holiday cheer, cookies, cakes, candy canes and general stress all deplete these immune-boosting organisms, making us vulnerable to seasonal viruses, so let’s bring in the reinforcements. I recommend: . With 25 billion multi-strain CFU’s (colony forming units) per capsule, it’s intended for quick replenishment of our beneficial gut flora and can also be continued for long-term health maintenance. 
On the food side, add in some fermented foods that contain these beneficial bacteria, such as kimchi (find it in the fridge section), dark chocolate (no issue there), miso (makes a tasty addition to soups), tempeh and sauerkraut (so delish on left-over turkey sandwiches - also buy from the fridge section).
Liver Support
It’s an extra hectic time for the ‘CEO’ of the body - our liver, which is working overtime to process all the deliciousness of the holiday season – sugar, alcohol (more sugar) fat and protein.  Give it some love in the form of a Milk Thistle herbal supplement. It’s an excellent source of silymarin, an antioxidant extracted from the plant leaves that may help repair liver cells that have been damaged by alcohol, fructose and environmental pollutants. Milk Thistle is widely available at any health food store.
If you prefer to rely on foods for liver support (love it), fill up your shopping cart with dark green leafy veggies, broccoli sprouts, cruciferous vegetables (such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage) avocados, garlic and onions, sea vegetables (clean, organic source only) and berries. If you plan to cook up a tasty roast or some warming stews over the holidays, the best liver-friendly meat choices would be grass-fed beef or lamb, or organic poultry.
Keep the Added Sugar under Wraps
We all tend to go overboard during the holiday season (#seriously) but if you have this formula in your back pocket, you’re be more likely to avoid the post holiday weight blues. The World Health Organisation’s (WHO) daily sugar recommendation is 6 teaspoons or 24 grams, so start checking sugar amounts on those food labels and figure out how much sugar that one sinful chocolate cookie contains, before devouring the whole pack! It might be more than your whole day’s recommended amount, but at least you’ll know you need to stop there! 
Hydrate, Hydrate and Hydrate Some More
Of course we like to drink a little more around the holiday season so be smart and always follow the ‘One For One rule’ - one glass of water with each alcoholic drink. This helps to keep our kidneys happy and help prevent those unwanted UTI’s or thumping headaches that can really impact the joyfulness of the season. 
Always start your morning off with a glass of filtered water to flush your kidneys after their night of detoxing (put it by your bed before you go to sleep) and keep hydrating throughout the day. Not only will your skin be glowing, you’ll have more energy to squeeze out every festive drop of the season.
Prioritize Sleep
I know … not always easy but seriously, shut off that computer or late night TV show and get some healing sleep. You’ll be impressed with how much better you cope with the ups and downs of the season. As an addition bonus, you’ll be looking radiant when you arise like sleeping beauty from that deep, rejuvenating 9 hours of heavenly slumber – sleep is the gift that keeps on giving!
Treat yourself
… to a professional massage session and let those knots melt away. Sometimes we don’t even realize how tight our muscles are until we get that hammering headache, crick in the neck or sore back.  So don’t be sidelined this season; book that preventative massage session and float into this season of goodwill with nothing but good vibes.   
So, that’s a wrap from this festive BRIT BEET. Remember, I’m always happy to answer your health and wellness questions, so please don’t hesitate to contact me at or follow me@thebritbeet for health advice and chef inspired recipes.

Why I Love the F Word


I’m a big fan of the F word – I use it all the time. My kids don’t like it, my husband just ignores it and often friends don’t want to hear me say it anymore.

That’s right … Fiber. I’ve said it and I'm not taking it back. 

But you may be wondering why I am such a fan? 

You see, for years I had the stoggy English diet – think meat pies, scones, cornflakes and heaps of potatoes and gravy and very little fibre.  I was constantly constipated- my stomach stuck out like I was 4 months pregnant; I felt tired and uncomfortable. 

As I discovered the wonderful world of nutrition, and my diet naturally became more fiber-intensive with beans, seeds, whole fruit, heaps of veggies and nuts, these issues receded. However, I continued to find if I was traveling or out of my routine, some of the same issues would come back. 

My hallelujah moment came when I started adding ground flax and chia seeds to my morning smoothie bowl.  It took everything to a whole, new level! 

Now that I've discovered the magic of fiber in the form of flax and chia seeds, I never start my day off without them. 

I buy the seeds in bulk, store them in a glass container in the cupboard, then once a week, grind about one cup of each into a powder and store them in a glass jar in my fridge.  That way, they’re ready for my smoothie bowl every morning!

Of course, I make sure I keep eating all those wonderful plant foods that continue to provide  my foundational fiber source. 

7 Great Reasons for YOU to love FIBER, especially GROUND flax and chia seeds! 

  • Goodbye constipation: Hello flat stomach! Yes, we need fiber to end our days of constipation, which can have a negative effect on our mood, energy and overall health.

  • Hello Radiant skin: Fiber helps move toxins out of our bodies instead of through our skin, which can means less acne, rashes or itchy skin conditions and more glow!

  • Yes to Weight Loss: Fiber helps slows down our digestion, making us feel fuller for longer so we are not reaching for those quick ‘hits’ like chips, candy and muffins!

  • Mood stabilizer: Soluble fiber helps to slow down the digestion of simple carbs/sugar helping control our blood sugar levels, so we are not on that sugar ‘rollercoaster’.

  • Heart health: An inverse association has been found between fiber intake and heart attack, and research shows that those eating a high-fiber diet have a 40 percent lower risk of heart disease.

  • Stroke: Researchers have found that a greater dietary fiber intake is significantly associated with lower risk of a first stroke. (1)

  • Gastrointestinal disorders: Diverticulitis/Hemorrhoids: Increasing your dietary fiber intake helps with a number of gastrointestinal disorders, including, diverticulitis, hemorrhoids, gastroesophageal reflux disorder, duodenal ulcers and of course, constipation. (2)

Quick Fibre Facts
Did you know that there are 2 types of fiber?


This fibre dissolves into a gel-like consistency and slows down our digestion helping us feel fuller for longer. Found in foods like berries, pears, winter squash, cucumbers, beans and nuts.

Insoluble fiber

  • This fibre adds bulk to our stools and helps food to move through your digestive tract more quickly for healthy elimination. Found in foods like dark green leafy vegetables, green beans, celery, and carrots.

Ground/unground chia seeds:  Mixture of soluble and insoluble fibre

Whole flax seeds: Insoluble fiber only, due to their hard outer shell. 

Ground flax seeds: Mixture of soluble and insoluble 

BRIT BEET Tip: When increasing fiber in your diet such as chia and flax seed, it's best to start off slowly, whilst increasing your intake of water.  Begin with one teaspoon amounts, increasing every 3 days until 'smooth banana-like' bowel movements are a daily experience. (*Note: Fibre can be damaging when there is a compromised digestive tract, so adjust accordingly or talk to a Holistic Nutritionist.) 

Libido-boosting Foods - Myth or Reality?


With Valentine’s Day just around the corner and cupid’s arrow ready to fly, you might be asking yourself, isn’t this the perfect time to be eating foods that could help me ‘get jiggy wit it’?

Oh yeah!

While it’s alluring to think that ‘love’ foods are out there for the eating, what’s myth and what’s reality? This nutrition love-sleuth is on the case.


Who doesn’t think of chocolate as the ultimate aphrodisiac? Such a sensuous texture, a little naughty and undeniably delicious.  Meow!

A 2006 study (1) of Italian women aged 26-44 years old, assessed the association between daily intake of chocolate and sexual function, and found that both overall sexual function and sexual desire were significantly greater among the chocolate-eaters than among those in the older group who were more likely to spurn chocolate. But before you break off a chunk of 70% dark chocolate, the researcher did point out that the age difference in the group, an important factor in sexuality, was also significant and that the “dalliance between chocolate and sex was far from a sure thing.” Well, that’s not quite the definitive ‘green light’ we were hoping for!

What we do know is that cacao (the main ingredient of chocolate) is a great source of four scientifically proven happy chemicals - serotonin, tryptophan, tyrosine and phenylethylamine.  These neurotransmitters are our ‘bliss’ factories, so eating that piece of 70% organic chocolate (#fairtrade, #organic) seems to be a decidedly healthy and pleasurable way to get you into a heightened state of euphoria… and from there, well, anything is possible, if you get my drift. 


According to a 2014 study (2) on over 700 Italian women (they’re busy ladies), an apple a day does more than just keep the doctor away. The study found that there was a direct correlation between eating an apple daily, increased lubrication and higher sexual function. It is suggested this may be due to an apple's levels of polyphenols and antioxidants, which help to stimulate blood flow to the genitalia and from there it's just a wink and a nod to increased arousal. 

Excuse me whilst I devour an apple.


Even though Casanova swore by oysters for his sexual escapades, sadly research has yet to make a clear connection between increased sexual desire and these popular shellfish.  However, if the very thought of eating oysters turns you on, then I say, that’s motivation enough to slurp down a dozen.

To sum up, what this nutrition love-sleuth has found is that under the covers is a mixed ‘bag’ (wink, wink) when it comes to food and our libidos. But don’t despair … with V. Day hurtling towards us, here’s what we can control when it comes to food and turning up the heat:

  • Whilst you may want to pop the cork on that bottle of wine then get up close and personal with your partner, remember to hydrate! Alcohol is a diuretic, resulting in the loss of fluids from your body and that could mean those special lady parts become less than moist (ouch!)

  • Try eating smaller portion sizes before the big date, leaving more energy for bedroom antics and less for digestion (those tummy gurgles are oh so attractive)

  • Stay away from loading up on the carbs which could spike your insulin levels, and make you sleepy, which I’m sure is not part of the big intimate plan with your sweetie

  • I’m a huge fan of cruciferous veggies, such as cauliflower, cabbage, brussel sprouts and broccoli for their anti-cancerous properties. However, there’s nothing quite as embarrassing as a ‘bottom burp’ to kill the mood. Why does this happen? Well, these bad boys have a ‘one/two punch’ – they contain raffinoise, a sugar that is fermented in the large intestine by gas producing bacteria and a high sulphate content, which we have to thank for that pungent egg waft you’ll be desperately trying to keep trapped under the covers. Ever so romantic. So choose the meals for your cruciferous intake wisely!

  • Don’t overlook the many surprising uses of coconut oil – not only yummy for sautéing, it can bring the ‘heat’ to the bedroom as a pleasurable massage oil or natural lubricant. Say no more!!

I hope this nutrition love-sleuth has given you some food for thought to ignite your Valentine’s Day adventures, and all your other moments of passion in 2018!




Let's Talk Menopause ... Foods To Embrace / Foods To Kick To The Curb!

For many of us women, hitting the menopause is not exactly the highlight of our lives. We dread the possible onset of common symptoms such as insomnia, hot flushes, sweating, anxiety, impairment of memory(#menopause brain), and feeling tired-out. Some of the longer term consequences aren’t such a thrilling prospect either - a decline in libido (unhappy partner), osteoporosis (there go the skiing trips) heart disease (good god), even dementia (what?) – all linked to a reduction in our estrogen levels.

However, it’s not curtains yet.  One of the best ways to fight back is to adapt our diet, helping to alleviate potentially challenging menopausal symptoms.

Foods to Embrace 

Bring in these fiber-rich foods  

An adequate amount of daily fiber is essential in any diet, but as we head into menopause, we can find ourselves in the ‘Battle of the Bulge’, whilst simultaneously trying not to pull our hair out thanks to fluctuating hormones! So this is where our good friend fiber comes to the rescue. It’s one of the ultimate ways to control our weight as fiber keep us feeling fuller and more satisfied for longer… goodbye tempting fattening snacks. Fibrous foods also keep the bowels moving helping to eliminate any excess estrogens from building up interfering with our natural hormonal balance.

Embrace: Ground flax and chia seeds that are quick and easy fiber foods to add to a smoothie or sprinkle over a smoothie bowl. Add in hearty beans and lentils (great in soups, salads) whole grains (oats, barley, brown rice, millet) and cruciferous veggies, such as broccoli, collage greens, broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage.

BRIT BEET Tip: When increasing fiber in your diet, it's always best to start off slowly whilst increasing your water intake, to allow time for your body to adjust. As a helpful tip, begin with one teaspoon each of ground flax and chia seeds, slowly increasing to 1 tablespoon each OR until ‘smooth banana-like' bowel movements are a delightful daily experience. (Note: Fiber can be damaging when there is a compromised digestive tract, so adjust accordingly or talk to a Certified Nutritional Practitioner.)

Get intimate with foods high in B vitamins

 Any change in our lives can bring added stress and for many, going through menopause ranks right up at the top! To make this transition easier on ourselves, we need to eat foods rich in B vitamins that help fortify our nervous systems and keep our energy levels high.

Embrace: Eggs, beans and lentils, leafy green vegetables such as spinach and kale, nuts (almonds and pecans) romaine lettuce, bell peppers, asparagus, crimini mushrooms, chicken, sardines, shrimp and scallops. 

Indulge in fats … just the healthy ones!

 I know – it sounds counter-intuitive to indulge in foods rich in fats when we’re trying to avoid the ‘muffin top’. However to be clear, we need to focus on the healthy fats like Omega-3’ s and stay clear of the Omega-6 fats (corn, soy, safflower, sunflower, peanut and cottonseed oils). These anti-inflammatory Omega-3 fats help keep our hormones balanced, our metabolism boosted and our weight under control. Now that’s a helping hand that sounds extremely appetizing!

Embrace: Avocados, wild salmon, eggs, nuts, seeds, coconut oil and grass-fed butter.

Dust off your soccer boots … here’s the foods we need to kick to the sidelines!

You’re no longer my sugar, sugar!

Sugar is my no.1 recommended food to avoid / reduce during menopause as it worsens every menopausal symptom out there from weight gain to fatigue, mood swings to hot flashes, low libido to memory fog … need I go on! To add insult to injury, sugar and sugary foods provide us with zero nutrients and in order to break them down, we have re-deploy the nutrients intended for other vital menopausal tasks. 

Kick out: Simple carbs such as bagels, bread, rice, enriched pasta, juice, candy, baked goods, chips, syrups and alcohol (more later).

BRIT BEET Tip: When you’re shopping, start checking sugar amounts on food labels and figure out how much added sugar is contained in a serving. As a guide, The World Health Organization’s (WHO) daily sugar recommendation is 6 teaspoons or 24 grams, so aim to keep in this range. After all if that one sinful chocolate cookie contains 15 grams of added sugar, it might be more than half your day’s recommended amount, but at least you’ll know to stop there!

Keep alcohol on the back burner

Ladies … lean in, as this is important. Alcohol is a diuretic (#more trips to the bathroom) leaving our tissues and cells (like vaginal walls) drier and more likely to feel irritated, a definite thumb’s down for the sex life. If you need an added incentive in order to put the cork back in the bottle, did you know that the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends a maximum of 4 glasses of wine per week for breast cancer prevention? 

Kick out: Nightly drinks of your beloved tipple and make it a treat on Friday or Saturday night. Better still, load up on the ultimate drink of all - water!

Cut down on the spicy foods, sister!

Who doesn’t like some spice in their lives! Sadly, when it comes to the menopause, spicy foods can stimulate nerve endings and dilate blood vessels, and hey presto – a hot flash. Experiment with spicy foods (at home!) to avoid embarrassing hot flashes in social situations.

Kick out: Curries, spicy Buffalo wings, hot peppers and Nona’s spicy spaghetti

Reduce or eliminate your caffeine… I know, you love your coffee

As a stimulant, caffeine can hype-up our already depleted nervous system impacting much-needed sleep and general mood.  You've might have heard that caffeine is also a diuretic (removing water from the body just like alcohol) and as such, it dries out our skin leaving it dull and flat looking. What our skin (and our whole body) really thirsts for is water, so hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!

Kick out: Coffee, caffeinated drinks, ice cream, tea, chocolate bars

BRIT BEET Tip:  If you’re craving a warm drink, try a chicory root ‘coffee’ substitute such as Dandy Blend or a herbal tea such as ginger, mint, lavender or chamomile tea, which are all caffeine-free and will make you feel just wonderfully calm and at ease. I know, it's not coffee, but it’s a good next option.

Bottom line

No woman is likely to say that going through menopause is an easy journey but by using these dietary guidelines, we can give ourselves the best chance to sail through with grace and ease. And I say, amen to that! 

If you are looking for more hands-on, practical culinary help, join me for my Meals to Ease You Through Menopause  nutrition + cooking class at BRIT BEET HQ. Email me for details: joanna@