Powerful Strategies For a Saner Back-To-School Transition!

As we all know, getting the kids ready to head back to school after the long summer break, can be stressful for all concerned!  For busy moms, this time of transition can place ever heavier burdens on them, both emotionally and physically, as schedules become increasingly hectic and there never seems to be enough time in the day (or night!) to get everything done.  But wait? Are we putting too much pressure on ourselves to be all things to all people and ultimately setting ourselves up for failure? 

It doesn’t have to be this way! Here are a few simple but powerful strategies that can help us remain balanced and happy, whilst reminding us that we don’t have to be perfect—but just good enough—and then be okay with that.

  •  Start to adjust sleep and awake times, (not just for the kids!) a few days before term starts. Encourage scheduled bedtime reading before lights out.
  • Talk to your kids and get them to come up with new duties/responsibilities; resist the temptation to jump in and ‘help’.  Stick to the plan from day 1!
  • Consider shopping for as much as possible on-line (e.g. Amazon Prime membership can be a great investment!) and don’t sweat the small stuff by running around town trying to find last-minute bargains. 
  • Pre-prepare and freeze some healthy family meals so that you have them to hand when things get crazy. Bag up some healthy snacks to keep in your car/handbag to avoid those inevitable mid-morning/afternoon energy crashes.
  • Resist the temptation to overschedule you/your children – be super-choosy about what you commit to outside of work/school.
  • Build in some much-needed personal downtime; mark it on your schedule and make it happen! Be extra kind to yourself and your children – transitioning back to school can be stressful.
  • And last, but not least, just when you are about to head to the nearest psychiatric ward —stop—take a deep breath and remind yourself that you are only human, that you are doing the best you can and that life is not a game of perfect. And then let it go!

By sticking to some hard and fast ground rules, you will ensure that you have some extra fuel in the tank; after all, you can’t be of service to anyone else if you are running on empty!

To learn more about life-coaching and how you can effect immediate and positive change in your life, please feel free to contact me and take advantage of my complimentary 25-minute life coaching offer: Hames.Pippa@gmail.com.