Medjool date

Coconut Moons


I love serving these 'moons' for a simple dessert at a dinner party or at a picnic. Kids and teens love them too and you can breathe easily knowing they are a healthy sweet fix; the fibre from the dates and unsweetened coconut plus the protein from the nuts will slow down the absorption of the fructose = less mood swings and naughty kid behaviour! 


Brazil nuts are a rich source of selenium and according to Harvard Health publications, this mineral plays a role in the prevention of prostate cancer. 

Medjool dates are high in dietary fibre which helps to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol - especially important for heart health


1 cup of Brazil nuts  
1 1/4 cups of unsweetened shredded coconut plus extra for the topping
8 Medjool dates
Zest and juice of one lemon 
1 tablespoon maple syrup
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
Pinch of Celtic sea salt


  1. Put all the ingredients into a food processor (not a blender) and grind up until a rough ball of dough has formed

  2. Pinch the dough making sure it sticks together in your fingers and If it is too dry and falls apart, simply water a teaspoon at a time until it sticks together. If it is too wet, just add more shredded coconut, a teaspoon at a time

  3. Scrap the dough out of the blender onto a clean surface and tear off about a tablespoon amount and roll into a moon shape

  4. Finally, roll each moon around in the extra shredded coconut and then find a pretty bowl to display your lovely coconut moons on


One-Bite Wonders! Chocolate Orange Truffles

PREP TIME: 25 MINUTES     SERVES: 6 (2/3 truffles each) 

These decadent chocolate truffles are a quick treat to whip up for your family, friends and 'pop'-in guests over the holiday season. I always make a double batch because the first batch doesn’t make it out of the kitchen…!


Cacao, a prized food of the early Mayan empire, is an unprocessed form of chocolate and one of the richest sources of antioxidant foods in the world. Happily for us it is an excellent source of magnesium, helping relax sore muscles and frayed nerves over the hectic holiday season!


15 Medjool dates
1½ cups raw walnut pieces
¾ cup cacao powder
1½ tablespoons honey
Rind of orange
1 -3 teaspoons orange juice, depending on moisture level and for a festive treat, add a splash of brandy but cut back on the orange juice! 
Pinch of sea salt

LET'S Mix!

  1. Take the pits out of the dates making sure you have removed one pit for each date - sounds silly I know, but it can really wreck one's food processor blade!

  2. Toss the pits in the bin

  3. Place walnuts in a food processor and grind for several seconds until it has formed a coarse powder

  4. Add the pitted dates, cacao powder, honey, orange rind and salt to the processor and process until the mixture comes together into a moist dough

  5. Add the orange juice, one teaspoon at a time, until you can ‘pinch’ the dough in your fingers and it sticks together

  6. Fill a small bowl with warm water and put on one the side

  7. With clean hands, use your fingers to take about a small walnut size piece out of the processor and put in the palm of your hand.

  8. Now roll your palms together to form a ball, continuing to wet your palms as they become sticky

  9. Place each ball on a tray and chill before serving (Warning: They may not make it past the fridge)

Almond Milk




Almonds are often referred to as “the King of Nuts” due to their high nutritional value - an excellent source of vitamin E which has antioxidant qualities and a concentrated source of monounsaturated fats making them heart healthy
Nut milk is a wonderful dairy and lactose free alternative to cow’s milk and is more alkaline in nature, helping to reduce inflammation in the body


1 cup soaked organic almonds (preferably Spanish as they are unpasteurized)
3-4 cups filtered water, depending on how thick you like your milk
1 teaspoon of pure vanilla extract
1.5 tablespoons of raw unpasteurized honey/organic maple syrup or a Medjool date
1/2 teaspoon of Celtic sea salt

Let's Blend!

  1. Soak your almonds in water overnight or for a minimum of 4 hours, making sure they are completely covered by the water

  2. Drain away the soaking water and then rinse the soaked nuts in a sieve

  3. Put the almonds and water into the blender and blend until the almonds are broken down and the milk looks smooth

  4. Meanwhile put your nut bag over the top of a large measuring jug, making sure there are no gaps where the milk can escape

  5. Pour the milk, cup by cup, into the bag, lifting up the bag and twisting the top so that you create a “piping bag” effect

  6. Start to squeeze the ‘ball’ of the bag (as if you were milking a cow) holding it over the jug so that the milk flows back into the jug, then pour this batch into a mason jar (you may need 2 mason jars standing by)

  7. Repeat the process until you have used up all the almonds

  8. Once you feel you have squeezed those nuts dry, put the nut pulp to one side and pour all the filtered milk back into the blender

  9. Add the remaining ingredients and blend again for approximately 1 minute, until smooth and creamy

  10. Taste it – does it need to be a little sweeter or a little salter for your taste? Adjust as you need to

  11. Pour the milk back into the mason jars, pop a lid on (you may need another mason jar for extra storage) and then step back and admire your beautiful creation

  12. You can only store the almond milk in the fridge for 2-3 days so drink up your delicious, nutritious creamy almond milk at every opportunity


Toffeelicious Ice-cream Cupcakes


I love making these 'ice cream' cupcakes - the lucuma powder gives them a delicious toffee flavour that is delectable. They got rave reviews at a recent dinner party; my guests were delighted by their sweet topping and crumble-like base. 


Lucuma is a native fruit of Peru, touted as being rich in nutrients - beta-carotene, vitamin B3, iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium.  A sugar, a 2009 report published in the Journal of Medicinal Foods,  suggest that Lucuma may aid in the management of diabetes and high blood pressure although no scientific studies have been undertaken. 


Bottom Layer
10  soft Medjool dates 
2/3 cup coconut flour
2 tablespoons coconut oil
1/4 cup walnuts
Zest of 1 lime
1 teaspoon of lime juice
1 tablespoon of pomegranate powder (optional but gives the crumble a lovely pink tinge)
1 teaspoon of vanilla essence
1/8 teaspoon of Celtic sea salt

Top Layer
10 soft Medjool dates
1/2 cup of lucuma powder
2 cups of coconut milk
2 frozen bananas, sliced

Let's Cook!

  1. Using a food processor, mix the dates, coconut flour, walnuts and salt together to make a 'crumble' base

  2. Add in the lime zest, lime juice, pomegranate powder, coconut oil, vanilla extract and test the 'crumble' by rubbing it together in your fingers - it needs to stick together when pressed so that it forms a solid base. If it is too dry, add water, a teaspoon at a time until you get that sticky consistency

  3. Line a 12 tray muffin tin with paper muffin cups (chlorine/unbleached, preferably) and fill the cups with the 'crumble' base, pushing down firmly to pack the crumble together.

  4. Now to make the toffeelicious topping - blend together the Medjool dates, lucuma powder, coconut milk and bananas until smooth and creamy

  5. Spoon the topping over the crumble evenly and then pop the tray into the freezer for a minimum of 2 hours. Take out of the freezer at least 5- 10 minutes before you need them, depending on how cold you keep your freezer and how warm it is outside!

Buckwheat Breakfast Parfait


SOAK TIME: Overnight     BLEND TIME: 10 Minutes    SERVES: 2 


I love this ‘no cook’ gluten-free buckwheat parfait as it has the protein (nut milk, nut butter, hemp and chia seeds)  fibre (chia and hemp seeds) and healthy fats (hemp and chia seeds, nut butter and nut milk) to start you us off on a solid foundation for the day. It's such a time-saver - simply throw the ingredients into your blender and whizz it up! This delicious, quick and easy recipe requires just two minutes of prep time from you the night before: Just place 1/2 cup of buckwheat groats in a glass container filled with warm water and  the juice of 1/4 lemon squeezed into it. Cover and leave on the countertop till morning. 

Why Soak?

  • Grains contain phytic acid which binds to minerals in the gastrointestional tract preventing absorption, which can lead to mineral dificiencies. Soaking with lemon juice helps break down the phytic acid so proper absorption can occur

  • Grains also have high amounts of enzymes inhibitors and soaking the grains neutralizes the enzymes allowing for proper digestion

Nutritional Bites

Buckwheat is not a cereal grain as many people think, but a fruit seed that is related to rhubarb and sorrel. Did you know that diets containing buckwheat have been linked to lowered risk of developing high cholesterol and high blood pressure due in part to its rich supply of flavonoids?  In addition, Buckwheat is a good source of magnesium, which helps to relax our blood vessels and improve blood flow. So it’s a win-win for our cardiovascular system!


1/2 cup raw buckwheat groats (not 'Kasha' which is the brown colored, toasted buckwheat)
2 tablespoon of ground chia or flax seeds
2 tablespoon of hemp seeds
1 cup of nut milk or filtered water
2 Medjool date OR 1 teaspoon maple syrup
2 teaspoon of nut butter (I love hazelnut butter as it gives that ‘nutella’ flavour)
1 teaspoon of ground cardamom
1 teaspoon of vanilla essence or the seeds scraped out from 1 vanilla bean
1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon powder (helps to stabilize our blood sugar and keep energy levels stable)
Sprinkle of cinnamon for the top

Let's Blend!

  1. In the morning, grab your sieve and rinse the buckwheat groats thoroughly - before rinsing them you will see they have a slimy appearance which is normal. Don't panic - it's just from the enzymes that protect the seed

  2. Place the groats in your blender with all the ingredients except the cinnamon

  3. Blend on high speed until it’s smooth and creamy – adding more milk or water if it is too thick)

  4. Pour into a pretty bowl and sprinkle with cinnamon and your are good to go!